Saturday, May 14, 2011

Our Achievements

Pag in love inspirado daw, through hard work and commitment we accomplished something that our Parents and future little robbie and little lyza will be proud for us.


Dinner Celebration, Robbie Gene passed the Board Exam as Engineer
Super proud girlfriend =)


Starbucks Coffee Master

Starbucks Store Supervisor
2007- 2008
Team Cristina, Team RCBC Plaza, Team Taft


Eng'r. Robbie
2008 - Present
Manila Electric Company

In a relationship, always remember that you are not in a competition, there is no reason you defeat the person you love, you must show that you are there for your partner whatever is happening in their lives. Love always rejoice for one another.

Never jealous or envious.
1 Corinthians 13:4

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