Saturday, August 11, 2012

SurePrize ^_^ Bridal Party

Because it's my best friend wedding.... I'm crazy and so excited to see her walk down the aisle, but before that I want her to feel  how much we love I throw a Surprise Bridal Shower Party for her, of course I can't do this on my own since I'm staying outside the country. Thank God for my barkadas and supportive boyfriend who split the load with me and help me to make this things happen.

Bridal Shower held at Manila Grand Opera Hotel

I  decided to rent one private karaoke room which happens to be the Barkadas all time favorite bonding activities.

Each post will cover different aspect of her Bridal Shower, so let's start off with the details and decor ^_^

the wall design was my favourite element, from every piece of coloured magazines I cut 
( thanks to Paragon Magazines for the supplies^_^)

the ooohhhh so sweet corner I made were inspired by " Martha Stewart" photos I saw on Pinterest

Here comes the Bride

I made 4 Different Bridal Games with the help of Edison



for your tears of Joy

We showered her with lots if gifts, but most importantly we showered her with our love and words of encouragement for the next chapter of her life.

Thank You guys for your help God bless you all!!!

my all time supportive partner...I Love You Boss Eng'r.^_^

Stole my best friend Single moment...Goodbye Singleness.....hello Crazynesss hahaha.....

Bessy I hope you love your shower party as much as everybody loved being there for you, I'm so happy for you and so grateful you are my best friend..I Love you bes ^_^

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