Monday, May 9, 2011

I Loved Someone

Everyone is looking for love. What does real love look like? How we will know when we've found it?
God knew before hand that most of us would need a good companion.

someone who wants to laugh with you.
I Loved someone I could hardly wait to talk to

someone who wants to share stories with you 
share all the good and the bad news

someone who wants to share dreams with you

someone who wants to be with you even on your "kaartehan"

someone who needs to share disappointments with you

  I Loved  someone not only in moments of Passion or in fleeting times, I Loved someone from inside out, from deep within my heart, my innermost being.

Thank God for providing exactly what we need =)

And the Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be alone,
I will make a companion for him, a helper suited to his needs.
Genesis 2: 18

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