Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Too Tired

Do both of you personally commit time to each other?
This is a common problem to any relationship like me and robbie, some day, some way things will change. We as a couple change over time but is it for the best?

Activity is healthy when it draws you together but not if it pulls you apart.

look so tired and stress =( 

buti nalang energetic pa din ang partner ko =)

Trying to build love for all seasons with out solid foundation is an invitation to see cracks show up, so do your best as a couple to make the relationship "crack proof" learn how you can make some foundation repairs if they are creeping up the walls. So as to couple, God is not someone you make time for in your schedule. He is the most important part of your day, and He is in control of everything in your life, He deserves first place in everything.

He which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
2 Corinthians 9:6

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