Tuesday, May 17, 2011

When we hurt

Have you ever had a feeling that your partner is insensitive, selfish, rude, or even cruel to you?
Have you ever started to sulk about the way you are treated?

That is part of being in a relationship, that is part of being alive and that is part of being human.

To Love someone is to know pain        
To live someone is to be disappointed
To be depend on someone is to be hurt
That is part of human. Pain does not mean you are falling apart.
Pain means you are growing, giving, taking, sharing.
Pain means reaching for each other.

God understands that, He also loves very deeply, and sometimes is hurt.
If love must accompanied with some pain, we would choose for more love.

Couples need to take note of problems, while they are small, before they have time to eat away at a couples commitment and finally destroy the relationship.Learning to accept your mistakes will overcome and relieve the pain that you have, pain soon will go away and love will remain.

Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion of one another.
1 Peter 3:8

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