Thursday, July 14, 2011

10 Years!! and still learning about Love

Not many things come naturally it takes practice and experience, learning to love each other takes patience and time. Love does not come all at once,  at first our love is enthusiastic, demanding, impatient, irrational, impulsive, but later love begins to mellow, it ripens and sweetens. It assumes full form and becomes even more appealing.

The more we learn about love, the more inquisitive we are of each other. The more we map each others moods the better we can grow in love.

lyza: To my loving partner, thank you for staying with me all these years. I really thank God for giving me a wonderful blessings and it is You. I am confident and firm on my decision to be with you for the rest of my life and build our own family. By God's grace this is a wonderful relationship and I will love you as long as I live and even forevermore.

robbie: For you my love, i will always be at your side for more years to come and choose to be for the rest of our lives. For knowing our God to be a great God that gives us what we need, giving you as a part of my life is such a great blessing. It is a favor for us having this relationship that's why loving you is the only thing that i will do even for eternity.

God understands that we can't take love for granted, He knows we must devote ourselves to each other, we must take time to study each other. Lasting love does not come naturally, lasting love is an art that is learned by studying each other.

God said it is better for us to have someone we know we could grow, to have all the qualities we're searching rather than to waste our time searching, finding someone who already have the qualities we want.

God is Love.
1 John 4:8

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