Monday, December 5, 2011

Run for Love

Spend few hours at Sports Complex to have our running activities before we go to our KL trip.

 How to get rid of stress



 Favorite shots nya! 


Then Run with miles of miles of Fun

As we run in race of our life, we put our best effort to obtain it, keeping our Faith in God. Believing in Him that He who gave us strength and empower us to finish it and win.

God wants us to be a finisher in all aspect of our life.
Let us strive to be a finisher, persevering and patience in our relationship with our partner, remember that as we run in the right Jesus.....we will find a  grace and strength that we need.

                    Do you know that all those who run in a race run all, but only one receive the prizes? 
Run in such a way that you may obtain it.       
1 Corinthians 9:24

Climbing the Rope of Relationship

If one climber falls he/she can count on to the other to stop his/her falling. No one wants the other to fall,we hold each other to keep us together by trusting each other with our lives.

Being successful climbing couple requires communications at all times.Climbing the rope is like climbing the highest part of the relationship, you will both be better for opening your relationship up to the stress and the strength of climbing it, much of it is trusting that God will never let us fall or give us more than we can handle, trusting God is holding the end of the rope.

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is so faithful, he will not let you e tempted beyond what you can bear.But when you are tempted He will also provide a way out so you can endure it.                           1 Corinthians 10:13

Kidding Around Part 2

Laughter is something special, for laughter to be good it must be mutual. It can't hurt, it can't destroy.
When we laugh, we should laugh together we laugh until our eyes water.

Youthful and playful activities can spark in every relationships

Little kid in a Big Body

Letting your playful spirit come out and play

 Doing things with sparkle in our eyes and with a laughing face

We don't quit playing because we grow older, 
We grow older because we quit playing
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

Staying Together

It isn't this way all the time, perhaps that's why it means so much..
some days we feel distance, but today we are on top,
we smile as we hold each other,
we hug so tightly,
we compliment one another.
Nothing feels as good as being close to the one you love.

Her Day

No artist or material things has more creative power than you posses, with your love and thoughtful act you find a way to bring joy in my life.

What a pleasant surprise for my Birthday.

 Flowers from babe =)

another bear collection from babe =)

Thank you for the cakes

Thank you Tj for this cake =)

with my LG Family

 with my Bradell Family

His Day

Planned a surprise birthday party for him, through the help of his office mates I know that it will be a pleasant surprise that will create happiness and love on his face...

step 1: I checked some of the customize birthday cakes @ Red Ribbon suited to his character.

dahil ikaw ang pinaka gwapong Engineer for me ;)


step 2: I asked my mom to cook a delicious and all time favorite Pansit Palabok ( yum yum)

step 3: at syempre di mawawala ang all time favorite ng team Meralco...
                        pizza, pizza, pizza.....

at ang resulta!! busog lahat =)

Thank you guys for helping me on his Big Day =)

last step to complete the celebration: I also  prepare food here in Singapore

Happy Birthday babe!!!

You will find a way because you care to create a smile on the one you  love.