Monday, December 5, 2011

God's Love

A person needs to know what his/ her priorities are, as he/she travels through life. All too often we take for granted the one we love, maybe we get caught up in a day to day process of living, that we neglect to say how much we love them.

On this day, we express undying love to honor our Parents.

Crafting a weekend with a purpose


Because we want our relationship to Honor God, be a loving testimony to our children and to others, we're committed to going this weekend trip together with our Family.

Lead by Papa Carding, he discussed about the Love of God.
Spending time together in prayer, sharing of our concerns, worship, and talking about the Love of God.

On this day we just want to thank God not because of what He gave us but because He is God. 

The more we understand God's love for us,  the more love we'll show to others and that makes us become an adult with love and respect for our Parents.

For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

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