Tuesday, August 28, 2012


For the past years I settled into regular routines on how I celebrate my Birthday it was always a party sized crowd in our home....because I've done this again and again I have come to think of reflecting those Birthdays, obviously it was always fun and joyful memories I had with my friends and Family. All this reminds me that all of them Honor me for the place I have filled in their lives and I am so thankful and blessed to have them in my life... Today I choose to remember, I choose to remember how God blessed me in all aspect of my life and even I want to Honor Him, I have nothing to offer in return because He has given me everything and all of this comes from Him..

anticipating plenty of time for reading and meditation 
photography of nature 

looking forward to long walks with good friend 
shared meals without rushing
endless laughter at no ones expense

Thank you Lorie for spending your time with me,
I'm blessed to have you.

Birthday Cake from Ryan and Lorie 

Video made by my loving partner ^_^ I Love You babe!

Thank You God for this life, Thank You for another life by Your grace I want to fulfill what you have planned in me.

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