Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bringing us Closer

It's risky getting to know someone very well. You know what  her dropped eyebrow indicates, you know what his rubbing of head indicates.
But there are also some priceless benefits from knowing someone so well.
Some of us have learned to know Jesus Christ better because we see Him reflected in our mate.It's an imperfect picture to be sure, a bit out of focus, but our mate is a picture nonetheless........

we see forgiveness in our mate

we see peace in our mate

We see grace in our mate

and sometimes under severe stress, we see peace in our mate

we see mate who shows tenderness, care and love

When we understand our mate better, we understand Jesus a little better. Of all the gifts our relationship brings, none is valuable that we understand Jesus better through the person we have.

And as the spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him.
2 Corinthians 3:18

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